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Our Staff
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6

SoYoung Lee
SoYoung Lee grew up in Seoul, Korea and graduated from Ewha Woman University with B.A in Christian Studies & M.A in Christian Education. Her calling and passion is to set before each child the “Light of the Word”-who is Jesus-the only one who can save them, guide them, and keep them confident and sure, both now and forever! She joined First Baptist Duluth in 2014 and loves to serve the Lord and reach out people in both church and weekday preschool. SoYoung and her husband KJ have two daughters, Claire and Caitlyne. She enjoys hiking, spending time with her family & friends!
FBCD Director of Children's and Preschool Ministry
Vera Sheffer
I am honored to be the new preschool administrator this year. I have taught in a Christian preschool for over five years. I valued teaching in the MDO class last year and loved getting to know the children and parents at FBCD preschool. I have 3 boys of my own and know the importance of an early Christian education. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, photography, reading, the lake, and being outdoors. I delight in attending and serving my home church at FBCD and most importantly worshipping Jesus and teaching about his wondrous love for us all.
Weekday Administrator

Andrea London
I started my journey with Jesus when I was a small child. It began with the persistence of my parents which led me to my baptism on April 20th, 2012. I have been working with small children for 14 years. I started off as a 1 year old teacher and have been using the gifts God gave me, to make a huge difference in children's lives by helping introduce them to Jesus and the Gospel. I am praying for a magnificent year and I am grateful that you've entrusted me to inspire your children, leading them to a life serving Christ.
Administrative Assistant
Aixa Rosales
Administrative Assistant
I was born and raised in Venezuela. I graduated from University of Zulia of Venezuela from Medical School in 2014, and arrived in the United States in 2017. I have lived in Duluth for 6 years with my husband, my daughter and my two dogs! Since we arrived in this country, we have learned many new things: another language, new tastes and hobbies. Being a mother for the first time taught me a lot on a personal and professional level and opened the doors to a new career field. FBCD Preschool has not only been a family for my daughter, but for me as well!.